August 21, 2020

HR on management level

2019 will be marked by the digital transformation and the associated shortage of skilled workers and intensifying competition for talent.

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For the economy and human resources, 2019 will be marked by the digital transformation and the associated shortage of skilled workers. The topics that were already highly relevant last year will therefore remain highly topical this year and will even become more acute.

The human resources industry faces a year full of challenges

"Active Sourcing" instead of Ads and job exchanges
The battle for digital talent, the "War for Talents", will become even tougher in 2019 - and this will have an impact on the way companies find suitable skilled workers. IT experts have long since stopped actively applying for jobs because they can assume that employers will come to them. It will therefore become increasingly difficult for companies to find suitable candidates through job advertisements. For this reason, HR managers must increasingly actively search for suitable specialists and managers to fill their vacancies. This approach, also known as "active sourcing", depends in particular on good networking, precise job profiles and a personal approach.

Nothing works without personnel strategy
In order to achieve corporate goals, skilled personnel is indispensable - also and especially in the field of digitization. Since availability and resources are scarce in terms of personnel, a well thought-out HR strategy is needed to find, engage and deploy appropriate employees. As search times for suitable candidates increase, this planning must also be carried out earlier and more accurately than in the past. This also means that HR managers will have to be increasingly integrated into top management in the future. Together with CEOs, CDOs and CFOs, they can strategically work out the direction to take in terms of HR and hiring policy. On the other hand, the specialist departments will also have to become more involved in the recruiting process. Increasingly, good applicants can only be convinced of a job through good technical discussions at eye level.

HR multi-talents are in demand
In addition to the development of a strategic thinking and action routine, the work of recruiters will continue to diversify. Especially in the course of active sourcing, HR departments have to get used to taking more and better ways of finding and engaging specialists. A holistic approach that encompasses various communication channels is essential for this. This is confirmed, for example, by Monster Germany and the University of Bamberg with their jointly developed requirements for "recruiters of tomorrow": Their work includes marketing, social media, performance management, networking and the use of mobile technologies.

Bad "Candidate Experience" becomes a recruiting killer
Small and medium-sized companies in particular, which have to master the digital change, are faced with a dilemma: On the one hand, in the "war for talents" they are in a financially disadvantaged position compared to the "big players". On the other hand, they are often unable to compensate for these disadvantages with potent but costly human resources departments. As a result, they run the risk of providing job candidates with a poor "Candidate Experience", i.e. an unsatisfactory application process. Especially when inexperienced recruiting departments have to search for candidates themselves, this often results in lengthy application processes in which little communication takes place with the candidates. Therefore the following applies: communicate, inform and maintain personal contact with the candidate. Platforms for employer evaluation, such as kununu, are also helpful. Smaller medium-sized companies can also score points here and compensate for disadvantages in brand awareness with good evaluations by employees.

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