Find your enterprise architect, with PALTRON's Exclusive Network of IT Experts.
The Enterprise Architect is a manager and IT expert at the same time. A central role in the IT Divisions, this role reports directly to the CIO. They ensure the quality of the IT architecture across all company divisions, with company goals in mind.
This role will determine the synergy between business goals, information, applications and infastucutre, while testing solutions developed by your Solution Architects. The goal of your EA is to couple customer requirements and business goals.
PALTRON's candidates for EA have a comprehensive understanding of the importance of company strategy and how to apply this knowledge in a practical manner. Our unique and comprehensive data-driven search, means you will only review the most relevant candidates for your specific company. Get in touch and see the PALTRON candidate difference for yourself.
The implementation of an EA will ensure your company will remain relevant, with updated IT systems and processes, as well as ensure harmony between your IT team and business goals. Companies of any size will benefit from Enterprise Architecture Management.
As the pressure is increasing on companies to be able to adapt quickly to changing market situations in order to remain competitive, at PALTRON, we know what influence EAM can exert on the company’s success.
Profit from our KPI driven search, and a rapidly growing network of more than 770.000 IT professionals. We can guarantee we will find you the perfect fit for not only your company goals, but your team culture. Curious? Get in touch to get started.
How can we support you? Contact us for a free, non-binding consultation.