August 19, 2020

Talented tech personnel is the basis of any digitization strategy

By 2020, more than 30% of global digital jobs will be unfilled. Learn how to find the right people in a competitive environment.

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By 2020, more than 30% of global digital jobs will be unfilled. How can we keep pace with the digital transformation and take advantage of digitization when the demand for qualified personnel already exceeds supply?

How to attract the right candidates to your company

By 2020, more than 30% of global digital jobs will be unfilled. How can we keep pace with the digital transformation and take advantage of digitization when the demand for qualified personnel already exceeds supply? The fact is, the technologies themselves are easy to develop and implement, but finding suitable personnel who understand and can apply the technology is less easy. If you want to be one of the top players in digitization in the future, you need to expand your pool of talented employees today. The Boston Consulting Group has formulated four steps for this:

Who: The first step is to define and identify the ideal digital talent. Which and how many profiles need to be recruited, developed and retained? All these questions need to be answered here.

Where: The aim is to find out where most digital talents can be found and where companies appear most attractive in order to be able to expand their required digital resources in the long term.

How: How do you recruit and how can you select the ideal candidates when the demand in each industry is very high? This is what we need to find out and develop in the third step.

What: The fourth and last step deals with the issue of which digital skills are required to meet current job profiles? Suitable talents must not only be recruited from outside. Employees already employed in the company can bring the right potential to develop further digital skills.

Overall, it is important to create a digital corporate culture and to create a deep understanding of digital requirements among employees. We at PALTRON know where and how to find the ideal candidates. We look forward to presenting you with the right candidates!

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